Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lace Front Wigs Get Bad Rap

Say "No" To Glue & Tape!

There has been much talk about the dangers of lace front wigs. Actress Countess Vaughn recently came out about her terrible experiences with years of lace front wear. Countess reportedly suffered from infections and hair loss due to a reaction to the adhesives. We've heard this before. To be clear the danger comes from the glues and tapes some people use to secure them that can cause a reaction. 
That's why Random Glam has always DISCOURAGED our Glamazons from gluing down lace front wigs. We only sell wigs that can be worn without glue or tape. Also, unlike some wig stores, we do not affix any lace fronts to our customers. Most wig manufacturers today make "No glue, No tape" styles that include secure fit clips and combs to keep styles snug and fabulous. (cont'd below)
The true beauty of not using glues or tapes is the ability to remove your piece each evening to let your hair and scalp breath. However, some wearers choose to sew the lace fronts onto their braided hair for a secure fit for rigorous activities and vacations. Which is fine as long as, Glamazons remove it to condition and moisturize their hair regularly to keep their real strands healthy beneath. 
Lace front and full-lace wigs remain a great choice for Glamazons who want a more natural looking hairline and style versatility. Talk to your wig stylist or visit Random Glam to find the right styles to meet your needs. 

Please wear wigs responsibly and Stay fabulous!

Randomly yours,

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Primal Glam Never Fades in Fashion

Strategic animal print accessories can add drama to any look. From jeans and a tee to a sophisticated business suit, you can't go wrong with adding primal flair, like this chic handbag available at for just $60.

Shoe designers are also hearing the call of the wild this fall. From booties to flats, animal prints of all kinds can be seen in stores across the country. Pair them with a chunky bracelet or scarf to pull the look together. Adding one or two items to your fall wardrobe can go a long way.

So go ahead. Go fabulously primal this fall.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

You Don't Have To Wait Long To Rock A Fierce 'Fro

From silver screen to sistahs in the workplace, the natural hair movement is going strong. I hear several times a day from clients who have recently undergone or are currently considering "The Big Chop."

Determined to wean themselves off of the creamy crack that has held them in its clutches for many since childhood, my clients are usually looking for wigs to wear while transitioning from bone straight to happily nappy.

For many, the thought of nurturing a T.W.A (teeny-weeny-afro) for months until it reaches its true potential can seem daunting.

Alas, there is an easy way to get instant gratification. Afro wigs are flying off the shelves.

Random Glam Inc. offers two afro styles. This cool, kinky curl version named simply Afro from Motown Tress is available for just $24.99:

The more you pick her out the bigger it can get. She comes in a variety of colors from deep black (1) to blond (613). For the adventurous Glamazon, she even comes in a few funky mix colors, like this one:

Another glam favorite is Revo, also by Motown Tress ($24.99). This wig is more curly than kinky. Here she is in all of her luscious glory:

True divas may want to take it a step farther with Zuzu ($29.99 by Motown Tress):

YASSS! Random Glam clients who choose this bodacious wig are often musicians, spoken word artists and other entertainers. The rest are just true Glamazons, who don't mind being noticed.

So go ahead and make The Big Chop! There are plenty of options if you want to go from fledgling 'fro to fabulous without the wait!

Have you made the big chop? If so, how's it going?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wig MYTHS Debunked: Wigs Cause Damage to the Scalp and Slow Natural Hair Growth

NOT TRUE.  Wearing wigs doesn't cause damage to your hair or scalp. In reality, many women wear wigs to give their own hair a break from damaging styling rituals while letting their natural hair grow out.

The key is to make sure your wig fits properly to avoid any friction at the hairline. Also, don’t forget to nourish your own hair underneath. There are a plethora of leave-in conditioners and all-natural products that enrich your hair and scalp. Have any damaged ends trimmed regularly. Keeping your hair well-conditioned in loose braids or twists under your wig also helps your hairpiece fit more securely.

Now that you know your own hair is being pampered, you can then choose from a variety of stylish wigs to stay glam every day. Feel free to experiment with length, colors and styles without worrying about damaging your own hair.

Remember, Glamazons, wear wigs responsibly and you’ll stay fabulous all the way down to the root.

Randomly yours,

Owner of Random Glam Wigs & Accessories

Friday, April 12, 2013

TRANSITION IN STYLE: Wigs Help Glamazons Go Natural

Many Glamazons like this one are going natural - transitioning from damaging perms and weaves to wearing their "real" hair. Clients come to Random Glam for fun styles to wear while they wait for their starter 'fro to grow.

Wearing a cute wig gives transitioning divas a chance to pamper their hair underneath with nourishing leave-in conditioners while still looking fabulous! It's easier to be patient through the transition process when you know you look good.

This customer chose Peggy by Soultress in color 4/27. This fun lacefront mimics a straw set and boasts a very realistic hairline complete with built-in "baby hair" for a more natural effect. The more you wear Peggy, the more natural is looks. With continuous wear the wig usually lasts 3 months or more with minor trimming along the way. That gives your real hair underneath time to grow an average of 3/4ths of an inch if you take care of it properly.

Peggy is our top selling wig at Random Glam Inc., where it is available for just $46.99. What do you think?

Stay fabulous!

Randomly Trina 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Celebrate Your Twinkle

We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle.”
― Marilyn Monroe

It's true. We are all stars - at least of our "reality" show. Sometimes it's hard to feel like a star when the everyday drudgery of life is pressing on you. Work, family and other obligations have many of us going 100 miles per hour and there is little time to breathe. So how then can you find time to stop and celebrate and nurture your inner twinkle? We make time for everything else, so it's important as women that we take time to appreciate ourselves.

Here's a tip. From time to time, take out a sheet of paper and list the things about yourself that you like most. Don't just focus on physical attributes. Include personality traits as well. Then, write down great things that people have said about you. Sometimes, we're so busy beating ourselves up that we don't see ourselves as clearly as others. Many women have the habit of letting compliments roll off of them instead of taking them in and simply saying thank you.

So go ahead and jot down your personal strengths and random compliments. Then really consider them. Then take a moment to be grateful for those gifts that make you a star. This exercise may seem a little conceited but it will give you a chance to look at all of your positives in black and white and give you ammunition to use when the inevitable negative thoughts come your way.

There is nothing wrong with taking time to celebrate your twinkle. It only makes your star shine brighter.

Stay fabulous!
