Thursday, September 26, 2013

You Don't Have To Wait Long To Rock A Fierce 'Fro

From silver screen to sistahs in the workplace, the natural hair movement is going strong. I hear several times a day from clients who have recently undergone or are currently considering "The Big Chop."

Determined to wean themselves off of the creamy crack that has held them in its clutches for many since childhood, my clients are usually looking for wigs to wear while transitioning from bone straight to happily nappy.

For many, the thought of nurturing a T.W.A (teeny-weeny-afro) for months until it reaches its true potential can seem daunting.

Alas, there is an easy way to get instant gratification. Afro wigs are flying off the shelves.

Random Glam Inc. offers two afro styles. This cool, kinky curl version named simply Afro from Motown Tress is available for just $24.99:

The more you pick her out the bigger it can get. She comes in a variety of colors from deep black (1) to blond (613). For the adventurous Glamazon, she even comes in a few funky mix colors, like this one:

Another glam favorite is Revo, also by Motown Tress ($24.99). This wig is more curly than kinky. Here she is in all of her luscious glory:

True divas may want to take it a step farther with Zuzu ($29.99 by Motown Tress):

YASSS! Random Glam clients who choose this bodacious wig are often musicians, spoken word artists and other entertainers. The rest are just true Glamazons, who don't mind being noticed.

So go ahead and make The Big Chop! There are plenty of options if you want to go from fledgling 'fro to fabulous without the wait!

Have you made the big chop? If so, how's it going?